What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

After the job you did for me in my home I could not let anyone else help me out when it was time to clean out my commercial building! Amazing Company! Thank you so much!

SERVPRO has done many units in the building I manage. They always do a great job that is why we always call them back.

I would highly recommend SERVPRO of Sylvania/West Toledo . I had a problem with smoke odor in some offices that I was trying to remove without success. Mr Brion Wills came out and assured me that they could take care of it. As he stated when they were done the odor was gone! I was very please with their professionalism and their service.

SERVPRO had done work for me in the past so it was a no brainer to call them when my business needed some clean up work done. Great job and wonderful crew!

When the crew was finished the property looked amazing! Much better than my expectations! Would highly recommend to anyone!

Your team really knew their stuff and got us up and running in no time! They took care of every aspect of the job and coordinated it all saving us valuable time.

Crew did a great job and we were able to get back in business the next morning.